English All about Health suppliment series 02. Chomium작성자: admin IP ADRESS: *.1.78.99 조회 수: 657
Chromium is a mineral our bodies use in small amounts for normal body functions, such as digesting food. It exists in many natural foods including brewer's yeast, meats, potatoes (especially the skins), cheeses, molasses, spices, whole-grain breads and
cereals, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Drinking hard tap water supplies chromium to the body, and cooking in stainless-steel
cookware increases the chromium content in foods.
You cand buy chromium supplements alone in tablets or capsules or as part of a multi-vitamin. But because the human body needs very little chromium most people get enought in their regular diet and do not require any extra from the dietary supplements.
Those at risk for chromium deficiency include people with diabetes and elderly.
Chromium hlps to move blood sugar( glucose) from the blood stream into the cells to be used as energy and to turn fats, carbohydrates and proteins into energy.
- For more infomation visit to: http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/tc/chromium-topic-overview
1. Chromium may help some people with type 2 diabetes.
- Chromium has important role in blood sugar metabolism such as it decreases blood sugar level and cholesterol level and prevents arterial sclerosis by increases the insulin resistance of cell to increase the absorption of glucose into the cells.
2. Chromium has positive effect on some people with glaucoma.
- There is a link between low chromium levels and increased risk of glaucoma.
- High sugar in bloodstream damages collagen matrix, eyes, and kidney which have many carpliaries in the organs.
This may explain why diabetic patients are more prone to have glaucoma and kidney related diseases.
- Researchers found out that the eye pressure goes high when if there is deficiency in vitamine C or/and Chromium
3. Chromium slows the loss of calcium. so it may help prevent bone loss in women during menopause.
4. Supplemental chromium may increase 'Good Cholesterol (HDL) and lower triglycerides and total cholesterol levels.
▶ Usually diabetic patients have low chromium level.
▶ Sugar craving people : The reason why people craving sugar is the blood sugar metabolism is not good so there is low
blood sugar state. So when people craves sugar, it imediately solve the low blood sugar level but increase the insulin level and
more risk to be a diabetes. ▶ The sugar craving habits can be adjusted/ resolved by taking chromium suppliments for 2-3weeks.
The Chromium found in foods will not hurt you. But taking excessive chromium supplements can lead to stomach problem/
hypoglycermia, and may damage to liver, kidney, nerves. However these kind of side effects from taking chromium suppliments
are rare.
The recommended daily serving amount is 50~ 200mcg. Most Chromium suppliments or diabetic suppliments include 200mcg of Chromium, no need to add extra.
Taking 200mcg daily for long term use may cause the side effects. Must taking in short- term or with care, adjust the amount or frequency of intake depending on an individual's health condition.
Caution to hypoglycermia people and pregnant women or breast milk feeding women must not take the suppliments.
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