English Parkinson's Disease작성자: admin IP ADRESS: *.1.74.246 조회 수: 421
Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a central nerve system disorder. Parkinson's Disease is characterized by impaired movement, muscular rigidity, resting tremor, and posture instability. PD is slowly progressive of nerve degeneration resulting death due to complication within 10 years.
The pathology of the PD is the decrease of dopamine at the corpus striatum due to the degeneration and death
of neurons in the substantia nigra. When the dopamine level falls, the neurons of the corpus striatum begin to
misfire. It is estimated that dopamine producing cells begin dying about 13 years before PD symptoms become
evident. The symptoms of PD begin when about 60% of the dopamine producing cells have died. The cause of
PD is unknown.
In Western medicine, the purpose of the treatment is alleviate the symptoms, so the patients can maintain their daily life. PD patients are prescribed 'Levodopa' (L-dopa, a precursor of dopamine) and few other medicines to prevent dopamine absorbed by the other parts of body rather than the brain. The purposes of these medicines are increasing the concentrating level of dopamine. The treatment is focused on suppling dopamine to the brain but not address the cause of the disease.
Then Why PD cannot be cured?
Why the dopamine level is decreased?
Why the dopamine producing cell is degenerated?
The treatment without treating root is the reason why PD cannot be cured.
In Chinese medicien, Parkinson's Disease comes under the symptom of "convulsions" and always related to liver- wind. The "Principles of Medicine"(1565) says: " wind tremors are wind entering the liver and the Qi of the chan-nels rebelling upwards, this causes tics of the face and tremors of the limbs."
PD usually occurs in patients over 50 years old. This is the period of life characterized by decline kidney
essence and yang. From the TCM perspective, the main manifestations and age of onset of Parkinson's
disease indicate that disease relates primarily to liver and kidney disharmony and liver-wind. In addition, the root of PD is emotional disorder and yang deficiency.
PD is based on the "depression" and "yang delining due to aging."
In TCM, it is called 'seven emotional factors'. Anger, happiness, depression, anxiety, sadness, fear, frighten are belong to this and these can be the cause of a disease. Depression, sadness, nxiety, fear and frightening
inhibits the activity of yang. On the other hands, the anger and happiness accelerate the activity of yang. The
emotion is the respose of Qi. PD is based on depression. Look at the Parkinson's disease patients, they are
unhappy, no facial expression and may had long term experience of unhappiness, depression before the PD is
started. So when we regulate the qi, tonify the yang, we can reduce the damage from seven emotional factors.
When we see the onset of the PD, mostly occurs just before and after 60's. The signs and symptoms can be
seen, slowly progressed but cannot notice until when yang is falls and PD clearly comes up to the surface.
All the PD patients are not the same
All patients categorized under Parkinson's disease but each patient has different pattern, different cuase of PD
and different signs and symptoms. In Chinese medicien, the pathogenesis of PD includes deficient root and
excessive manifestations such as wind, phlegm, qi stagnation and blood stasis. The possible patterns are:
1) Qi and blood deficiency
Clinical manifestation: long standing pronouced tremor of a limb, shallow complexion, staring look, dislike of
speaking, occipital stiffness, cramps in the limbs, difficulty in moving, dizziness, blurred vision, sweating worsen with movement, thread fine pulse
2) Phlegm heat agitating wind
Clinical manifestation: obesity, staring look, dislike of exercise, a feeling of oppression of the chest, dry mouth, spitting of yellow phlegm, stiff neck and back, tremor of a limb which can be stopped, wiry fine rapid pulse.
3) Liver adn kidney yin deficiency
Clinical manifestation: Thin body, tinnitus, insomnia, night sweating, mental restlessness, sore back and knees,
numbness of the limbs, stiff neck and back, tremor of head, clenched teeth and tremor of jaw, difficulty to
clumsiness of walking, poor memory, dry hair and skin
The treatment principle will be different based on the pattern identification but ' nourishi liver and
kidney yin', 'tonify yang' and 'regulate liver qi circulation' will be the primary treatment principle
for all patterns.
Also the muscles of chronic patients are hard, tensed, weak and atrophy. For these muscular symptoms, the
needling techniques and the acupuncture points treating wei- syndrome can be effectively used.
For hardened muscle, electro- acupuncture is effective to relax the muscles.
Prevention and Prognosis
Any illness started from the daily life.
What we eat, what we drink, how we eat.
Overwork, busy life, over exercise, no exercise
Being disappointed, love, like, happy, emotional stress from relationships
Psychological problems from emotions.
Find the wrong habits from your daily life.
1. Proper eating habits and choice of food
Avoid col natured food which can damage yang qi.
Avoid spicy, pungent food and greasy oily deep fried food.
Slow eating chew properly.
Spend at least 30 minutes for the meal.
Drink plenty of water by small sips through day.
Parkinson's disease gets worse when yang qi is deficient. So eat the right food, and takes herbal medicine
regularly to support yang.
2. Be happy and avoid be tired.
It is not we feel happy because of dopamine produced. When we feel happy, the dopamine is produced. So be
happy, positive and smile.
Practice smile even you are not happy. Your brain believes you are happy when the muscles used to make the
3. Do regular exercise
Parkinson's disease is progressive disease of rigidity of muscles and decrease the function of muscles.
Therefore, patient should use their muscles by doing regular exercise such as walking and stretching minimum 30 minutes per day. ( increase teh amount of exercise with monitoring the condition)
After exercise, have warm bath to relax the muscles and the regidigy and promotes smooth circulation of blood
flow and yang qi.
We open Tue- Fri, from 9am till 4pm.
Backpro clinic: 24 Widdison Place, Albany, Auckland.